Eternal Christmas present

by Rafael Salazar
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
138.900 x 95.600 x 2.000 inches
This piece is not for sale. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Eternal Christmas present
Rafael Salazar
Painting - Mixed Media On Canvas
Eternal Christmas present
Portrait Study Tribute series by Rafael Salazar
Artist from Colombia
Copyright 2021 – All rights reserved by Rafael Salazar.
Featured in the following FAA groups:
The Artistic Aperture 11/28/2021
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: ALL my art pieces on this website are protected by the U.S. and international copyright laws, all rights reserved. Each image here may not be copied, reproduced, manipulated or used in any way, without written permission of Rafael Salazar.
The purchase of any of my prints do not transfer reproduction rights.
NOTE - No watermark shall appear on any of my finished prints. They are strictly utilized for the security on this site.
If you are looking for a special custom piece please contact me at:
Website: RafaelSalazar.com
Twitter: @Rafael_SalazarS
Pinterest: RafaelSalazar
Instagram: @Rafael_SalazarS
November 27th, 2021
Comments (6)

Hanne Lore Koehler
Congratulations, Rafael, on your SLEEP contest win with this sweet portrait capture! L/F

Gary F Richards
Spectacular Happiness - Eternal Christmas Present composition, lighting, shading, rich colors and artwork! F/L voted

Bob Lentz
Congratulations! on this unique image’s being Featured in “The Artistic Aperture” group, and also Liked, Favorited, and Facebooked.
Rafael Salazar replied:
Thank You so much, Bob for the Special Feature in The Artistic Aperture group and your amazing support. Happy Holidays to you and yours.