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Geometric Tower Digital Art by Rafael Salazar

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Comments (6)

VIVA Anderson

VIVA Anderson

Terrific visual,complexity, f.v.....and, wow: look at the lineup of vintage commenters we rarely see anymore, all so quiet......f.v.....regards, VIVA

Thomas Carroll

Thomas Carroll

A visual pleasure!

Rafael Salazar replied:

Thomas your words make my day... Thank you for your comment!!!

Alberto  RuiZ

Alberto RuiZ

Vibrant and powerful!

Rafael Salazar replied:

Thank you Alberto for your kind words.

Rosa Cobos

Rosa Cobos

La atracci�n incre�ble c�mo el juego de l�neas te �poduce una percepci�n de movimiento, que en este caso es medio hipn�tico. Me encanta esta serie, Rafael. Rosa

Rafael Salazar replied:

Como siempre querida Rosa, tus palabras agregan el toque m�gico a la obra. Mil gracias.

Rafael Salazar

Rafael Salazar

Thank You John for the feature in your Images That Excite You. Really appreciate your support!

John Bailey

John Bailey

Congratulations on being featured in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"

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Geometric Tower by Rafael Salazar
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