It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

by Rafael Salazar
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Rafael Salazar
Photograph - Photography
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas - Photography by Rafael Salazar
Colombian artist - Copyright 2014
Pine cones and Holly Berries
Popcorn for you, apples for me
Red striped candy, nut cracker handy
Kettle a-bubbleing hot as can be.
Snow clouds hang low and threatening
Maybe in won't, praying it may
The brightest fireplace glows in every face
Waiting for Christmas day.
There'll be walk-a-round songs and
Talk-a-round songs
Songs of the inn and stable.
There'll be morning time songs and
Evening time songs
And grace at every table.
And Jingle bells will jingle all the way all day.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Everywhere you go
Lyrics by Johnny Mathis
November 2nd, 2014
Comments (11)

Gary F Richards
Spectacular pine tree composition, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! F/L …voted for this piece in the contest PINE FOR CHRISTMAS

Rafael Salazar
Dear Joan, this compliment coming from your masterful eyes is an incredible honor. I must now really live up to it. Thank you!!!

Joan Kaplan
Making art of the most simplistic things in life. You're a master at it, Rafael. Great job!

Mr Bennett Kent
Gorgeous light, colours and DoF......L/F
Rafael Salazar replied:
Thank you Bennett for your great insight, fav and time visiting. Happy Holidays!