God Given Love

by Rafael Salazar
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
166.700 x 125.000 x 3.500 inches
This piece is not for sale. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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God Given Love
Rafael Salazar
Drawing - Pencil Drawing
Sketch collection of drawings by Rafael Salazar
Artist from Colombia
Copyright 2021 – All rights reserved by Rafael Salazar.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: ALL my art pieces on this website are protected by the U.S. and international copyright laws, all rights reserved. Each image here may not be copied, reproduced, manipulated or used in any way, without written permission of Rafael Salazar.
The purchase of any of my prints do not transfer reproduction rights.
NOTE - No watermark shall appear on any of my finished prints. They are strictly utilized for the security on this site.
If you are looking for a special custom piece please contact me at:
Website: RafaelSalazar.com
Twitter: @Rafael_SalazarS
Pinterest: RafaelSalazar
Instagram: @Rafael_SalazarS
November 17th, 2021
Comments (3)

Paisley Marten
This artwork beautifully captures the profound connection between generations, portrayed through the tender interaction of a larger hand gently holding a smaller one. The delicate details in the hands, with their textured lines and contours, evoke a sense of intimacy and care. The blending of colors adds depth, bringing a modern and expressive interpretation to this classic theme of love and protection. It’s a timeless visual representation of trust, support, and the bond shared between parent and child, making it both powerful and deeply moving. An exceptional piece!